Definition of Thyroid gland

1. Noun. Located near the base of the neck.

Exact synonyms: Thyroid
Generic synonyms: Ductless Gland, Endocrine, Endocrine Gland
Derivative terms: Thyroidal

Definition of Thyroid gland

1. Noun. (anatomy) A large butterfly-shaped endocrine gland situated on the front of the neck that produces various hormones. Removal due to thyroid cancer is termed a total thyroidectomy. ¹

¹ Source:

Medical Definition of Thyroid gland

1. A butterfly-shaped endocrine gland in the neck that is found on both sides of the trachea windpipe). It secretes the hormone thyroxine which controls the rate of metabolism. (27 Sep 1997)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Thyroid Gland

thyroid acropachy
thyroid axis
thyroid binding globulin
thyroid body
thyroid bruit
thyroid calcifications
thyroid cancer
thyroid carcinoma
thyroid carcinoma risk factors
thyroid cartilage
thyroid colloid
thyroid crisis
thyroid diverticulum
thyroid eminence
thyroid foramen
thyroid gland
thyroid glands
thyroid hormone
thyroid hormone aminotransferase
thyroid hormone resistance syndrome
thyroid hormones
thyroid ima artery
thyroid imaging
thyroid insufficiency
thyroid lymph nodes
thyroid nodule
thyroid receptor antibody
thyroid releasing hormone
thyroid scan
thyroid stimulating antibody

Literary usage of Thyroid gland

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Monographic Medicine by William Robie Patten Emerson, Guido Guerrini, William Brown, Wendell Christopher Phillips, John Whitridge Williams, John Appleton Swett, Hans Günther, Mario Mariotti, Hugh Grant Rowell (1916)
"The physiology of the thyroid gland. Practitioner, London. ... Remarks on the function of the thyroid gland; a critical and historical review. Brit. ..."

2. Diet in Health and Disease by Julius Friedenwald, John Ruhräh (1907)
"TRANSLATED BY TJ HORDER, B.Sc., MD, FRCPI—DISEASES OF THE thyroid gland ... THE influence exerted by the thyroid gland on tissue metabolism has been ..."

3. Études sur la Queste del saint graal attribuée à Gautier Map by Albert Pauphilet, Colonel Bell Burr, Ernst Ziegler, Douglas Symmers (1921)
"Insanities from Disturbance of Function of the thyroid gland. Two forms of diseases bearing distinct relation to disturbance of function (lack of glandular ..."

4. The Encyclopedia Americana: A Library of Universal Knowledge (1920)
"It is placed in the same category as the thyroid gland and spleen; ... thyroid gland, a structure having no outlet or duct, and classified with the spleen, ..."

5. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences by Southern Society for Clinical Investigation (U.S.) (1901)
"Eclampsia and the thyroid gland.— NICHOLSON, of Edinburgh, recently read a paper upon this subject before the Edinburgh Obstetrical Society, published in ..."

6. Anatomy, Descriptive and Surgical by Henry Gray (1901)
"The thyroid gland is subject to enlargement, which is called goitre. This may be due to hypertrophy of any of the constituents of the gland. ..."

7. The Encyclopedia Americana: A Library of Universal Knowledge (1920)
"It it placed B the same category as the thyroid gland anj spleen; and the most probable theory as ... In mi-. the thyroid gland is situated at the upper pi. ..."

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